When you have reached a level of credit card debt that warrants consideration of a debt consolidation loan, the bad news is your credit rating has already suffered. The good news is that if you do a little research to find the right company, a credit card debt consolidation loan can be a great help in turning that situation around.
Trying to keep up with payments on your own can often make things worse since the fees can add up quicker than you can make the payments. The average late fee is $25.00 to $35.00 and the over limit fees can be just as much. This means if you are making a minimum payment of $35.00 a month, you are still going deeper into credit card debt while you are making payments.
A consolidation loan will take all of your credit card debt into review. Your debt consolidation professional will negotiate away as many fees as possible and perhaps even lower your interest rate. If approved, the consolidation loan will pay the credit cards off, leaving you with one payment to make each month that will actually reduce your balance owed each month.
Credit card balances that are over 50% of the credit limit are detrimental to your credit score, so replacing several maxed out credit card balances with one loan payment can actually improve your credit score almost instantly. Continuing to pay that loan on time will also work wonders in raising your score a little bit more with each month that goes by.
Do not try to get out from under your credit cards debt alone when there are professional debt consolidation specialists available to help you through the process. You can rebuild your credit once you have all of the debt under control. Get the help that you need to get your debt in check and you will be amazed at how quickly your credit rating can begin to improve.
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