If you are one of the millions of consumers that is struggling with credit card debt, this article aims to offer valuable advice and solutions to you. The good news is that there are a myriad of programs and services available which aim to provide real debt relief and offer consumers a chance at a fresh start.
Most certainly what most consumers think of when faced with dire financial circumstances and mountains of credit card debt is bankruptcy. The word itself can make one shudder; as well it should because while bankruptcy can offer a wiping of the slate clean (to a limited extent) it brings with it a vast array of extremely negative and long-lasting consequences.
These include a virtual destruction of the filer's credit record, and the inability to obtain future credit and loans since the bankruptcy filing will remain on the filer's credit for up to 10 years. That being said, bankruptcy does have a place in the realm of debt relief. However, it clearly is the option of last resort and needs to thoroughly be explored in depth with one's family and attorney before deciding on it as the option that makes the most sense.
There are, however other programs and forms of debt relief which offer immediate benefits and relief for those struggling with credit card debt. A newer program which does not involve bankruptcy or standing before a bankruptcy judge is known as debt settlement. A relatively new program compared to bankruptcy, debt settlement is a program which can achieve spectacular results in the reduction and elimination of credit card debt.
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