Nonprofit Debt Consolidation programs can save you thousands in fees! In these topsy turvy economic times, it has become commonplace for consumers to seek out professional help to assist them in resolving their debt problems. If you are contemplating debt consolidation, we strongly urge you to take a look at nonprofit debt consolidation programs. As quiet as it is kept, these programs will save you thousands of dollars in upfront fees and monthly payments.
Let's face the facts, not all debt consolidation companies are created equally. You have the "For profit" companies versus the Nonprofit Debt Consolidation programs and then you have the legitimate programs versus the illegitimate ones. Our mission is to help you save thousands of dollars by showing you why Nonprofit Debt Consolidation programs should be your solution of choice. There are three primary reasons why this option is your best choice.
Reason #1 - They Don't Charge High Upfront Fees - Nonprofit Debt Consolidation programs don't charge upfront fees. You need to know that other services charge upfront fees averaging anywhere from $1000.00 to $3000.00 and up depending on how much debt is involved. These upfront fees always amaze me because the people who pay them are the ones who can least afford them! Illegitimate debt consultants are the ones who primarily demand these enormous upfront fees. People pay the fees because in the sales pitch, they are promised the world and the hard nose sales reps are so persuasive that many consumers can't help but pay the fees.
Reason #2 - They Don't Demand That All Debts Be Included - Oftentimes, for-profit companies do not have your best interest at heart. They look for ways to tack on additional charges and extra fees. One technique they use is to demand that all of your debt should be included in the debt consolidation. By doing so, they can charge you higher fees because they are handling more accounts.
If you have some accounts that already have low interest rates there is no need to renegotiate those. These companies know this, but they insist on adding those accounts for the sole purpose of collecting more fees from you. Although you have a choice on which accounts you want to include, illegitimate companies will attempt to force your hand to include all of your accounts.
Reason #3 - They Don't Mislead You With Low Ball Quotes - For-profit companies and illegitimate companies haven't technique called "low balling" that they use to entice people to sign up for their services. They will in a deceptive manner provide false monthly payment figures. For example come they will tell you that your total monthly payment after they negotiate your debt is going to be $400.00 per month.
When in fact, your actual payment will be more like $700.00 per month. Their objective here is to use the lowball figure to collect the upfront fees. After they've collected those fees, they really don't care what happens with the client. A legitimate company will provide actual figures up front after they have completed their debt and income analysis.
By the time you add up the money lost from the enormous upfront fees, the extra charges paid because the demanded that all of the debts be included and damage from the low ball quotes, you're talking about thousands of dollars! Now you can see why a Nonprofit Debt Consolidation program should be your debt solution program of choice!
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