Before you make your decision of how to pay off debt you need to know what consumer debt consolidation is and if it is for you. Let me explain what it is for you as simply as possible.
Consumer debt consolidation is a loan that you can get from a banking institution using some sort of collateral, such as your house of sometimes your car. You should be able to get this debt consolidation loan for a lower interest rate than your unsecured debt like your credit cards. You then use the loan money to pay off all of your small unsecured debt and then just pay the secured loan on a schedule.
Sounds good right? The problem is that you could loose your collateral if you default. You think you are in trouble now just waiting until that bank that was so nice to give you the loan starts foreclosure on your home. If you got yourself in over your head in unsecured debt you will very likely do it again if the pressure is suddenly less. You need to make sure the causes of the debt are not going to get you back in debt.
What are Your Alternatives?
A good way to keep debt from creeping up is to avoid what look like fast solutions to your problems.
There is a better way of paying off your debt. I won't claim that it is easy; in fact it is a lot of hard work. Once you get started the debt tends to disappear and you come out if it wiser and ready to make better decisions.
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