Credit card payments can be very overwhelming, especially if you have several accounts. Just keeping track of your payment amount and the due dates of all your payments can be a full time job. If you get one of them wrong and you don't pay enough or you pay it late, you will be looking at a late fee of $35-$50. If this happens too often, you will then be faced with an interest rate that is around 30%.
If you feel like you are in over your head, you should look into a credit card bill consolidation program. Getting of debt is not easy and sometimes it is necessary to get outside help to get started in the right direction. Credit counseling is a great way to get started. It is as easy as going online and filling out a short form and a short time later you will have a quote for debt relief.
You will need to make a payment that is equal to 2% of the debt that is placed with the credit counseling company. So, if you have $10,000 in debt you will be looking at a payment of $200 per month. You will most likely have interest rates of around 10%, maybe less. There will also be a monthly fee of $30-$50. In the long run this program will save you thousands in interest payments as well as about five years of repayment time.
Credit card bill consolidation can give you peace of mind. The stress of debt can be tremendous and finding a program that can get you pointed in the right direction can be enough to relieve some of the anxiety that debt causes. You can get started on a debt management program as soon as today.
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