A debt consolidation program doesn't work for everyone but if you are experiencing problems keeping track of your current bills or if you are overwhelmed by your debt then a debt consolidation program may be the peace of mind you are looking for.
The determination to consolidate should be made only if it will help fix your unique financial standings. Most people opt to consolidate in an effort to reduce their current debt or extend the time in which to pay back their debts. In these cases, interest rates play an important role in the decision making process.
In truth, a debt consolidation program will not completely eliminate your debt. It will however, provide you with the opportunity to combine all of your bills, extend the amount of time you have to pay them back, and possibly save you a little money each month.
Many people become desperate and find themselves signing up for a program that does not necessarily meet their needs. Lenders will take advantage of those who are not well informed in the consolidation process. Do your homework and shop around before you sign up for anything.
After making the decision to consolidate, you will then have to choose which type of lender is best for you. These are the three choices you will have:
1. Bank Loan
2. Credit Union Loan
3. Person to Person Loan
If you already have a good relationship with a bank or credit union then that may be the best way to go. Most banks or credit unions will work with existing customers who have proven that they can pay their bills on time. In this case, you may be able to work out a pretty good deal with them and find a worthwhile debt consolidation program for you.
If you are already experiencing problems paying your bills on time or if your bills are in collection then a person to person loan will be the only other alternative for you. Most banks will not take the risk in helping you even if you have been a good customer in the past. Establishing a loan contract with another person may be embarrassing or awkward. You may also end up paying a higher interest rate or having to pay back the loan much sooner than you expected but nevertheless it is an alternative.
Regardless if you go with a bank, credit union, or person, you should always read the fine print and fully understand the details of the loan. One major stipulation to watch for is whether or not you will need collateral for the loan. You should never sign off on a loan you cannot pay back especially if you use your house or car as collateral. Losing your car or home could be detrimental for your livelihood.
In the end, a debt consolidation program will not eliminate your debt completely. It does however buy you a little more time in order to repay the amount you owe. Your monthly payment may be lower but in the end you will probably be paying more money than you already owe. Never sign up for more than you can handle especially if your home or car are on the line. Always read the fine print and ask questions. A little bit of research will go a long way to discovering if a debt consolidation program is exactly right for you.